01. Visit my grandparents once a week and consistently!
02. Take my baby brother to Disneyland. ++ completed 1/26.09
03. Visit my cousin's grave and bring her flowers. ++ completed.
04. Make a new friend.
05. Make a quality friend.
06. Find a wife my older brother. ;)
07. Spend a week with my mom.
08. Get engaged ++ completed 11/6/2009
09. Plan a wedding.
10. Get married.
11. Plan a special 'just because' outing with nicholas.
12. Get in contact with my best friend from high school ++ completed.
13. Spend a day with my cousins.
14. Play W.O.W with nicholas. ++ completed 11/23/08
15. Go on a date a month for 6 months with nicholas. (0/6)
16. Visit Sarah-anne in whatever city she is in at the time.
17. Redesign my website. ++ completed 11/10/08
18. Create something on canvas.
19. Design new business cards. ++ completed 10/31/08
20. Update my portfolio.
21. Take piano lessons.
22. Learn Flash. ++ completed 6/3/09
23. Take a pottery class.
24. Actually sign up for a class at community college. ++ completed 6/3/09
25. Get a custom emboss stamp made.
26. Visit the library, check out some good books.
27. Blog on design-friends for a month straight.
28. Take a language class. (Spanish or chinese?)
29. Take a photo a day for 6 months and make a coffee table book.
30. Visit Israel.
31. Live in another city.
32. Go to Seattle. ++ completed 11/6/2009
33. Visit a wonder of the world.
34. Ride a train to an entirely new city or state.
35. Go cherry picking. ++ completed 5/26/09
36. Take a weekend trip to a different city.
37. Go tree house camping.
38. Clear out my inbox and keep emails organized.
39. Clean out my garage.
40. Clean up my apartment.
41. Redesign my room ++ goal completed 11/22/08
42. Organize my computer files, transfer files from old computer.
43. Buy a hard drive (and do the next goal below) ++ goal completed 11/30/08
44. Get around to backing up my computer because time machine is awesome and I have it.
45. Organize my bookmarks. and share the good ones!
46. Start a workout, get healthy or stay in shape.
47. Not eat out for 2 months straight. (0/60)
48. Make my bed for a month. (0/30)
49. Encourage someone to make a list!
50. Plant a time capsule.
51. Keep a prayer journal.
52. Start a list with nicholas.
53. Try a new haircut that I have never had. ++ goal completed 1/28/09
54. Go to a movie by myself.
55. Enter myself into a competition.
56. Write down 5 good things a day for a month straight (or longer) (0/30)
57. Put aside $50 a month for 6 months and then go on a shopping spree. (0/6)
58. Write a "if anything ever happens to me" letter.
59. Volunteer at sunday school with the kids.
60. Surprise someone. (with a visit, flowers, something nice)
61. Write 10 handwritten letters (0/10)
62. Send some fun mail to 5 friends. (0/5)
63. Invest my time in someone, be intentional.
64. Find a organization or missionary to support consistently.
65. Put together 5 Christmas shoeboxes. (3/5)
66. Donate 5 bags of clothing. (0/5)
67. Donate $500. (0/$500)
68. Donate 101 items. (0/101)
69. Treat a friend out to tea and scones. (i love tea!)
70. Pray for someone for a month straight. repeat.
71. Make gourmet cupcakes.
72. Build a snowman.
73. Get a nice flat screen tv. ++ goal completed 11/07/08
74. Go on a picnic with my boyfriend.
75. Talk a walk in the rain.
76. Use my annual pass and go to Universal Studios && Sea World.
77. Snag a treasury. ++ goal completed 11/02/08
78. Host a swap party with friends.
80. Attend a gameshow, talkshow, or something tv-related. ++ goal completed 11/22/08
81. Blog daily for 30 consecutive days (0/30)
82. Win something, anything! I never win things. hehe.
83. Go to the beach and relax .. and build a sandcastle.
84. Bake lace cookies and chocolate chipless cookies.
85. Send a message in a bottle.
86. Host a crepe party with my roommate.
87. Watch Star Wars...maybe. (I've never seen it, but it's funny to see people's reactions when I tell them)
88. Add 10 new items to my shop other than jewelry. (0/10)
89. Start up my supply shop. ++ goal completed 12/27/08
90. Do a craft show! ++ goal completed 11/9 & 11/16.
91. Start another shop, design-related.
92. Apply at anthropologie and free people (after number 20).
93. Get my finances in order.
94. Invest my money in something and start saving!
95. See if I can live off my own income through my shop(s).
96. Put away $200 a month for 6 months straight. (0/6)
97. Pay off debts.
98. Start and stick to a budget.
99. Cut coupons and try to save some $ for 3 months. (0/3)
100. Do not buy anything for myself for one whole month.
101. At the end of the 1001 days, put aside $25 in savings for each task completed.
30 commented:
This is great! You've inspired me to start a list. I may copy your blog as well to keep up with it. Hope that doesn't make me completely unoriginal. ;)
What a great list!
I just discovered your lovely blog and wanted to say hello.
I'm inspired to do a similar list, hope you dont mind (in a way it's like helping you complete #49! hehe)
Have a beautiful day! :)
I love this! I found your blogs through cakies, and LOVE them! This is such a good, inspiring idea, and as someone who just turned 27 and is going through a bit of an identity crisis, I think I'm going to jump on this train! :)
Wow this is a great list , i like the make a new friend and true friend one i need that on my list to, thank you for all the comments and im now following your blogs as well im about to go check out your shop- The Fancy Lady
What a neat list. I'm loving this openly blogged list idea. I think it would motivate me more than just a paper list that only I can see...
these are so awesome- I have my "life list" and theres a few on here I need to add to mine
I'm so inspired! I will start thinking about my own list! THank you for this!
tell me if you ever visit Israel! I can take you to all the goodies stores :)
wonderful list!
This is a great list. I would say you are an adult with a youthful attitude! never loose that! I'm rather inspired to make such a list myself. Thank you for visiting my blog and now I've found yours! If you don't see a list on mine soon, remind me to get moving!
I just made a list and then saw yours! Nice!
You can see mine at : http://chroniclesofsharnia-sharnanigans.blogspot.com/2009/10/new-ultimate-life-list-that-i-will-keep.html
i love many of these and theyre on my list too- maybe i'll hop in #24?
these are all so lovely and inspiring! xoxo
I've did something like that too.
But your list is better than mine.:)
You've inspired me to do it more seriously.
I just read your interview on evie s. and saw the link to your 101 list! I've loved your "oh, hello friend" blog for a while, and never knew about this list. But I just started my own 101 in 1001 this New Year. Isn't it so fun?! Anyhow ... just wanted to stop in and say hello and tell you that I think you're great. :) Good luck with crossing things off!
You've inspired me to make a list! :) I love your blog and your shop.
I love this, and I love your blog "Oh, Hello Friend," which I just stumbled across. I have a similar project to this: 27 things to do before I turn 28. This is my third year working on a list. I may have to do yours though! I love the concept. :)
Love this! you have inspired me as well to start a list. :o)
Really interesting post! I love making lists, as well :) Yours is great!
You've inspired/encouraged me to start a list...so you can cross that off! :-)
I feel exausted right now !
Danni this is so pretty!! I'm starting my list too...^.^ you can check it out in my blog
I am doing this too!! I just started! I love your list... maybe I'll steal some for my next one. I look forward to reading about your journey.
Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
Beautiful blog!
Nicee : )
/Fashion Bowie
I've just started my own blog and in doing so I've discovered yours... it's so lovely to look through. Thank you... and the list idea is fantastic. I've now started my own :) x
This is such a great idea. I always write lists & then never complete the tasks or look at them again. But I love this idea of categorising the tasks and that they are measurable. I'm inspired to start my own list. Thanks
Awww you inspired me to make my own list for next year :)
This is great ! I'm also doing 101/1001 ~ for the second time ! Good luck with your goals ;-)
Hey, I was browsing around other peoples 101 in 1001 days. I like how much you have accomplished. Check mine out ant let me know what you think http://talentedsarah.wordpress.com/
I like how realistic your goals are!
I know I'm a few years late, but...
You have inspired me to start my own :)
Thanks so much!
Check out my 101 in 1001 . I borrowed quite a few of your ideas and mentioned you too x
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